
Month: October 2013

Conductive Gold Nanoparticle Mirrors at Liquid/Liquid Interfaces

Ping-Ping Fang,† Shu Chen,‡ Haiqiang Deng,† Michea ́ l D. Scanlon,† Fre ́ de ́ ric Gumy,† Hye Jin Lee,§ Dmitry Momotenko,† Ve ́ ronique Amstutz,† Fernando Corte ́ s-Salazar,† Carlos M. Pereira,^ Zhilin Yang,‡ and Hubert H. Girault†,* nn403879g これは、分子修飾金コロイドでやったらどうなるんだろう? What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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