
Month: August 2014

Special issue on organic spintronics appeared in MRS Bulletin

MRS – Spin-resolved imaging and spectroscopy of individual molecules with sub-molecular spatial resolution MRS – Spinterface Crafting spintronics at the molecular scale MRS – Interface-assisted spintronics Tailoring at the molecular scale MRS – The development of organic spin valves from unipolar to bipolar operation MRS – Computational design of magnetic metal-organic complexes and coordination polymers…

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Lateral and Temporal Dependence of the Transport through an Atomic Gold Contact under Light Irradiation: Signature of Propagating Surface Plasmon Polaritons

Daniel Benner, Johannes Boneberg, Philipp Nürnberger, Reimar Waitz, Paul Leiderer, and Elke Scheer これの分子接合版はどうなる??? あるいは、分子励起につかいたい。 nl502165y What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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The magnetoelectrochemical switch

Petru Lunca Popaa,1, Neil T. Kempb,1, Hicham Majjadc, Guillaume Dalmasc, Vina Faramarzic, Christian Andreasc,d, Riccardo Hertelc, and Bernard Doudin PNAS-2014-Lunca Popa-10433-7-2 磁歪スイッチではなくて、溶液中のNiイオンがナノギャップ中の磁場に吸い寄せられて反応する、というような話らしい。 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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