
Lecture Notes in Physics 680: Introducing Molecular Electronics (2005)

スクリーンショット 2016-01-25 13.01.47


Foundations of Molecular Electronics – Charge Transport
in Molecular Conduction Junctions
Joshua Jortner, Abraham Nitzan and Mark A. Ratner …

AC-Driven Transport Through Molecular Wires
Peter H ̈anggi, Sigmund Kohler, Jo ̈rg Lehmann, Michael Strass .

Electronic Structure Calculations
for Nanomolecular Systems
Rosa Di Felice, Arrigo Calzolari, Daniele Varsano, Angel Rubio

Ab-initio Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function Formalism for Calculating Electron Transport in Molecular Devices
K. Stokbro, J. Taylor, M. Brandbyge, H. Guo…………………..

Tight-Binding DFT for Molecular Electronics (gDFTB)
A. Di Carlo, A. Pecchia, L. Latessa, Th. Frauenheim and G. Seifert .

Current-Induced Effects in Nanoscale Conductors
Neil Bushong, Massimiliano Di Ventra

Single Electron Tunneling in Small Molecules
Maarten R. Wegewijs, Matthias H. Hettler, Christian Romeike, Axel

Transport through Intrinsic Quantum Dots in Interacting Carbon Nanotubes
M. Thorwart, R. Egger, M. Grifoni

Contacting Individual Molecules Using Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions
Jan van Ruitenbeek, Elke Scheer and Heiko B. Weber

Intrinsic Electronic Conduction Mechanisms
in Self-Assembled Monolayers
Wenyong Wang, Takhee Lee, Mark A. Reed

Making Contacts to Single Molecules: Are We There Yet?
J. Tomfohr, G.K. Ramachandran, O.F. Sankey and S.M. Lindsay

Six Unimolecular Rectifiers and What Lies Ahead
Robert M. Metzger

Quantum Transport in Carbon Nanotubes
Elsa Thune and Christoph Strunk

Carbon Nanotube Electronics and Optoelectronics
S. Heinze, J. Tersoff,, Ph. Avouris

Charge Transport in DNA-based Devices
Danny Porath, Noa Lapidot and Julio Gomez-Herrero

CMOL: Devices, Circuits, and Architectures
Konstantin K. Likharev and Dmitri B. Strukov

Architectures and Simulations
for Nanoprocessor Systems Integrated
on the Molecular Scale
Shamik Das, Garrett Rose, Matthew M. Ziegler, Carl A. Picconatto,

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