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Ambient-Processable High Capacitance Hafnia-Organic Self- Assembled Nanodielectrics

Ken Everaerts,† Jonathan D. Emery,‡ Deep Jariwala,‡ Hunter J. Karmel,‡ Vinod K. Sangwan,‡ Pradyumna L. Prabhumirashi,‡ Michael L. Geier,‡ Julian J. McMorrow,‡ Michael J. Bedzyk,‡,∥ Antonio Facchetti,*,†,⊥ Mark C. Hersam,*,‡,†,§ and Tobin J. Marks ja4019429 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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Giant Electroresistance of Super-tetragonal BiFeO3-Based Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions

Hiroyuki Yamada,†,‡ Vincent Garcia,†,* Ste ́ phane Fusil,†,§ So ̈ ren Boyn,† Maya Marinova,^ Alexandre Gloter,^ Ste ́ phane Xavier, Julie Grollier,† Eric Jacquet,† Ce ́ cile Carre ́ te ́ ro,† Cyrile Deranlot,† Manuel Bibes,† and Agne` s Barthe ́ le ́ my nn401378t What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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