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Au-BDT-Au realistic breakjunction

c3nr00459g 三つの伝導度が見つかっています(計算なので、伝導度は過大評価していますが)。揺らぎの原因は、BDTとAuの接触角度ではなく、Auがmonoatomicになっているか、塊になっているかの違いであるようです。 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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High-Yield Sorting of Small-Diameter Carbon Nanotubes for Solar Cells and Transistors

Huiliang Wang,†, Ghada I. Koleilat,‡, Peng Liu,§ Gonzalo Jime ́ nez-Ose ́ s,§ Ying-Chih Lai,‡,^ Michael Vosgueritchian,‡ Ya Fang,† Steve Park,† Kendall N. Houk,§ and Zhenan Bao‡, nn406256y オリゴチオフェンのサイドチェインのアルキル鎖を利用するとCNTが選べる… 分子とCNTのコンタクトを上手くとる、という意味でもおもしろい方法かも。「抱きつき型コンタクト!?」 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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New site opened!

Journal clip site has been opened. Feel free to up-load papers, web sites and etc of interest. (if you were users of old sites, please use new one from now.) You can login with your email address and pass word used for group calendar. When you submit articles, please choose appropriate category. If you do…

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Utilizing Carbon Nanotube Electrodes to Improve Charge Injection and Transport in Bis(trifluoromethyl)-dimethyl-rubrene Ambipolar Single Crystal Transistors

Wei Xie †*, Pradyumna L. Prabhumirashi ‡, Yasuo Nakayama §, Kathryn A. McGarry , Michael L. Geier ‡, Yuki Uragami §, Kazuhiko Mase ,Christopher J. Douglas , Hisao Ishii §, Mark C. Hersam ‡, and C. Daniel Frisbie †* nn4045694   What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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