
Category: Review

Lecture Notes in Physics 680: Introducing Molecular Electronics (2005)

10_[BJ_review]bok%3A978-3-540-31514-8 Foundations of Molecular Electronics – Charge Transport in Molecular Conduction Junctions Joshua Jortner, Abraham Nitzan and Mark A. Ratner … AC-Driven Transport Through Molecular Wires Peter H ̈anggi, Sigmund Kohler, Jo ̈rg Lehmann, Michael Strass . Electronic Structure Calculations for Nanomolecular Systems Rosa Di Felice, Arrigo Calzolari, Daniele Varsano, Angel Rubio Ab-initio Non-Equilibrium Green’s…

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Special issue on organic spintronics appeared in MRS Bulletin

MRS – Spin-resolved imaging and spectroscopy of individual molecules with sub-molecular spatial resolution MRS – Spinterface Crafting spintronics at the molecular scale MRS – Interface-assisted spintronics Tailoring at the molecular scale MRS – The development of organic spin valves from unipolar to bipolar operation MRS – Computational design of magnetic metal-organic complexes and coordination polymers…

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