
Category: Single-molecule electronics

Lecture Notes in Physics 680: Introducing Molecular Electronics (2005)

10_[BJ_review]bok%3A978-3-540-31514-8 Foundations of Molecular Electronics – Charge Transport in Molecular Conduction Junctions Joshua Jortner, Abraham Nitzan and Mark A. Ratner … AC-Driven Transport Through Molecular Wires Peter H ̈anggi, Sigmund Kohler, Jo ̈rg Lehmann, Michael Strass . Electronic Structure Calculations for Nanomolecular Systems Rosa Di Felice, Arrigo Calzolari, Daniele Varsano, Angel Rubio Ab-initio Non-Equilibrium Green’s…

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Large Conductance Switching in a Single-Molecule Device through Room Temperature Spin-Dependent Transport

AlbertC.Aragones̀,†,‡,§DanielAravena,∥,⊥JorgeI.Cerda,́#ZulemaAcís-Castillo,∇HaipengLi,○ JoséAntonioReal,∇FaustoSanz,†,‡,§JoshHihath,*,○EliseoRuiz,*,∥andIsmaelDíez-Peŕez* acs%2Enanolett%2E5b03571 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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Redox-Dependent Franck−Condon Blockade and Avalanche Transport in a Graphene−Fullerene Single-Molecule Transistor

Chit Siong Lau,† Hatef Sadeghi,‡ Gregory Rogers,† Sara Sangtarash,‡ Panagiotis Dallas,† Kyriakos Porfyrakis,† Jamie Warner,† Colin J. Lambert,‡ G. Andrew D. Briggs,† and Jan A. Mol* acs%2Enanolett%2E5b03434 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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