
Category: Single-molecule electronics

Unconventional molecule-resolved current rectification in diamondoid–fullerene hybrids

Jason C. Randel1,2, Francis C. Niestemski1,3, Andre ́s R. Botello-Mendez4, Warren Mar5, Georges Ndabashimiye1,2, Sorin Melinte6, Jeremy E.P. Dahl1, Robert M.K. Carlson1, Ekaterina D. Butova7, Andrey A. Fokin7,8, Peter R. Schreiner7, Jean-Christophe Charlier4 & Hari C. Manoharan ncomms5877 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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Lateral and Temporal Dependence of the Transport through an Atomic Gold Contact under Light Irradiation: Signature of Propagating Surface Plasmon Polaritons

Daniel Benner, Johannes Boneberg, Philipp Nürnberger, Reimar Waitz, Paul Leiderer, and Elke Scheer これの分子接合版はどうなる??? あるいは、分子励起につかいたい。 nl502165y What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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