
Category: Single-molecule electronics

Regulating a Benzodifuran Single Molecule Redox Switch via Electrochemical Gating and Optimization of Molecule/Electrode Coupling

Zhihai Li †, Hui Li ‡, Songjie Chen ‡, Toni Froehlich §, Chenyi Yi ‡, Christian Schönenberger §, Michel Calame *§, Silvio Decurtins ‡, Shi-Xia Liu *‡, and Eric Borguet ja5034606 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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Single-molecule spectroscopy of amino acids and peptides by recognition tunnelling

Yanan Zhao1,2†, Brian Ashcroft2†, Peiming Zhang2, Hao Liu2,3, Suman Sen2,3, Weisi Song2,3, JongOne Im1,2, Brett Gyarfas2, Saikat Manna2,3, Sovan Biswas2,3, Chad Borges2,3 and Stuart Lindsay   nnano.2014.54 認識用の分子がついたナノギャップ中を、認識される分子(認識用とは相互作用は弱い)が通過すると激しいノイズがおこることを利用して分子を識別するらしい。 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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Nanophotonic trapping for precise manipulation of biomolecular arrays

Mohammad Soltani1,2†, Jun Lin1,2†, Robert A. Forties1,2, James T. Inman1, Summer N. Saraf1, Robert M. Fulbright1, Michal Lipson3,4 and Michelle D. Wang   nnano.2014.79 DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2014.79  光トラッピングでナノ粒子がついたダンベル型DNAを電極上の任意の位置に配置。スポットウェルダーができれば配線も可か? What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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