
Feature articles in Nature Chemistry (Single molecular electronics)

Editorial Molecular electronics under the microscope nchem.2200 Molecular length dictates the nature of charge carriers in single-molecule junctions of oxidized oligothiophenes Emma J. Dell1†, Brian Capozzi2†, Jianlong Xia1, Latha Venkataraman2* and Luis M. Campos1* nchem.2160 Stereoelectronic switching in single-molecule junctions Timothy A. Su1, Haixing Li2, Michael L. Steigerwald1*, Latha Venkataraman2* and Colin Nuckolls nchem.2180 Intermediate…

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Tunable magnetoresistance in an asymmetrically coupled single-molecule junction

Ben Warner1,2, Fadi El Hallak1†, Henning Prüser1, John Sharp3, Mats Persson3,4, Andrew J. Fisher1,2 and Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin1, いわゆる磁気抵抗効果ではなく、磁場依存のNDR(ゼーマン分裂より感度が高い)がある、という話。 nnano.2014.326 What do you think of this post?Awesome (0)

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